It's Nearing Halloween, and Allen Has Skeletons

Yes, Sen. George F. Allen of Virginia continues to see the skeletons come dancing out of his closet. The fact that he is a racist has been discussed for years, but after his "macaca" incident the magnitude of Allen's racism became more apparent. Then he had the very odd reaction to the revelation that his grandfather was Jewish. And last week it was revealed that Sen. Allen failed to report stock options, which is required by Congressional rules.
As Allen makes yet another appearance in The Top 10 Conservative Idiots list (how many weeks in a row is this?!?), it seems that he may have run into some trouble with the law back in the 1970s. It makes you wonder, if a few diligent folks would really do some digging into George Allen's life, what skeletons WOULD come screaming out of the closet?
It should be interesting to see what other news about Allen is revealed between now and election day. And it should be noted that Allen, who held a double-digit lead over Democratic challenger Jim Webb just three months ago, is now essentially deadlocked with Webb.
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