Maybe I'm Amazed

Rules for Living by Tim W. Jackson (and why some people are just plain idiots)

Location: Radford, Virginia, United States

I'm a guy, just a regular guy, who likes to observe life and occasionally write about those observations. I live in southwest Virginia where I work, live, and try to be a decent citizen.

Thursday, December 8

Time Keeps on Slippin', Slippin' Slippin' ...

Where does the time go? Why aren't there enough hours in the day? Seems like finding time for anything beyond what has to be done to survive is often a struggle. This week has been a busy one as my semester as a student in the MFA program for Creative Nonfiction at Goucher College is coming to an end, and it's the last week of classes at Radford University where I work. So, while I tend to school and work isues, I will not post an Idiot of the Week, but stay tuned next week to see who wins this fine honor.

I may have small posts between now and next week, though, so check in again when you get some time.


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