Hot Enough For Ya?

It's been a while since my last blog entry. I was out of town for more than a week and am just now settling into a normal schedule. And since my last post, I saw a movie that everyone should see: An Inconvenient Truth.
The movie, as you probably know, is based on a slide show that Al Gore has been showing for quite some time. In fact, in the movie he says he's shown it 1,000 times or more. Intermittedly, the filmmakers cut to more personal clips of Gore as he explains why he is so interested in this topic of the environment and global warming.
Overall, the movie acts as a sobering alarm that we all should heed. It is unfortunate that this movie is only appearing in just more than 500 theaters, as opposed to the 4,133 that are showing Pirates of the Caribbean. But for what essentially amounts to the filming of a slide show, An Inconvenient Truth has done fairly well thus far. If you haven't seen it yet, make your plans to go now.
Check here to see if it's playing at a theater near you!
And whether it is or isn't playing near you, check to see if there might be local or regional associations in which you can get involved. While at Roanoke's lovely Grandin Theatre to watch the movie, we picked up information for this group: CCAN.
As an aside, I was impressed that Al Gore was always shown in the movie working on his Apple Macintosh laptop. Being a longtime Mac user, I was happy to see a Mac getting some pub. Turns out, there's a reason for it. Gore sits on Apple's board.
I'm sure Gore never addressed this in the film.
Just as a movie about Bush wouldn't address any of the environmental and/or economic harm his family's business has caused. Gore is certainly doing more to make up for the error of his ways than Bush ever will.
Not to mention that localized toxic waste doesn't compare to the proposition that if we don't change our ways, global sea levels will rise and displace millions of people within the next 100 years. This issue is bigger than the Right's poor attempt at political smearing.
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