Maybe I'm Amazed

Rules for Living by Tim W. Jackson (and why some people are just plain idiots)

Location: Radford, Virginia, United States

I'm a guy, just a regular guy, who likes to observe life and occasionally write about those observations. I live in southwest Virginia where I work, live, and try to be a decent citizen.

Tuesday, July 18

Isn't She Hilarious?

Just ran across a posting about this little prank by our friend Ann Coulter. Isn't she a peach?

But perhaps people are starting to catch on to what a vile subhuman Coulter is. Seems like some newspapers are rethinking their decisions to run her column. At least one paper has already decided to pull the plug on Coulter.


Blogger Blake Fought said...

Meh. Even if they decide to pull her column, it can easily be accessed online.

8:53 PM  

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