Three Words: Worst. President. Ever.

Wow, the G8 Summit. A chance for Bush to shine and show he's not the complete idiot most of us think he is. So much for changing our perception. The man has been a constant embarrassment to himself and our country for the past week.
First there was his totally bizarre obsession with the pig he was going to eat for dinner. Then we had Bush caught on tape using an expletive. Not really a big deal for most of us, but then again we don't claim to be chosen by God to lead this country and we aren't the de facto leader of extreme Christian conservatives.
And now we have Bush groping the female leader of Germany! Seriously, can you believe this?
Remember when people were outraged that Natalie Maines of The Dixie Chicks said "We're ashamed that the President of the United States is from Texas?" Well, now aren't we all ashamed that Bush is even from the same planet as the rest of us?
He's drinking again. Does Laura know he's out of the country?
Are you really interested in thermodynamics? Do you rearrange all the fans in your house so that air moves in a big woosh? 'Cause that's what people who like thermodynamics do. They're weird.
Nope. And we're still ashamed that the Ditsie Chicks were even born.
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