Maybe I'm Amazed

Rules for Living by Tim W. Jackson (and why some people are just plain idiots)

Location: Radford, Virginia, United States

I'm a guy, just a regular guy, who likes to observe life and occasionally write about those observations. I live in southwest Virginia where I work, live, and try to be a decent citizen.

Tuesday, February 28

A Long Few Days ...

Well, I had hoped the hoopla about Whim and Christ on Campus (see posts below) would have died down by now, but the story seems to still have legs. Rumor is that Channel 13 News out of Lynchburg/Roanoke will air a piece tonight (Tuesday). Channel 13 talked to RU students today. The Roanoke Times may have a follow-up tomorrow.

Some of the comments in connection to the article on Inside Higher Ed were pretty good. And I've heard reports of this story running in India and England. I haven't had time to check that, though.

The good news is that the University at the moment seems to be recognizing the students' right to free speech. I'll hope that stance continues.


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