Maybe I'm Amazed

Rules for Living by Tim W. Jackson (and why some people are just plain idiots)

Location: Radford, Virginia, United States

I'm a guy, just a regular guy, who likes to observe life and occasionally write about those observations. I live in southwest Virginia where I work, live, and try to be a decent citizen.

Wednesday, February 8

Post-Super Bowl

Thanks to the gang who came over on Sunday to watch the big game, socialize and generally have some fun. My Seahawks lost the game, but I've always had respect for the Steelers, so I wasn't too crushed to see Pittsburgh take the victory.

A word about the Super Bowl commercials: Most, I thought, were fairly lackluster. I'm not sure about the big winners for the night, but the big losers in my book were Pepsi and Burger King. First with Pepsi: Brown & Bubbly?!?!? What the ... ? For me, brown and bubbly doesn't conjure up a delicious soft drink, it conjures up the END result of about three bowls of black bean chili. Seriously, no one in the board room at the time they were brain-storming on this idea chimed in and said, "Hey, maybe we don't necessarily want to be associated with brown and bubbly?"

Then there was the Burger King commercial starring the "Whopperettes." What? Women dressed as lettuce, onion, tomatoes, pickles ... and a meat patty? And then the freaky Burger King guy? Is there anyone in America who is NOT creeped out by that plastic-faced Burger King?

Until next time ...


Anonymous Anonymous said...




& even a church minister:

agree with you about "brown and bubbly..."

2:16 PM  

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