Much Ado About Da Vinci

I mentioned in an earlier blog that I had seen The Da Vinci Code. I've also read the book. I enjoyed both. I thought each provided a good story of mystery and suspense.
What I find fascinating is the controversy surrounding The Da Vinci Code. Some normally level-headed people are taking great offense to this work of FICTION. They talk about Dan Brown telling lies. Guess, what? That's what fiction is. It is not the truth and is not to be taken as such. If your faith is shaken by a book of fiction, then it wasn't particularly strong anyway. And if you already question the validity of the Bible, The Da Vinci Code will continue to make you wonder. "Hmmm. Yeah, I can see that," you might say to yourself. But I don't see The Da Vinci Code being the dealbreaker on anyone's salvation.
It seems to me that The Da Vinci Code's opposition is only drawing more people to the movie and book with their vehment protesting. Seems that by just shrugging their shoulders and saying, "Yeah, well, it's a work of fiction and a good story, but it's just that, a story," would be much more effective. Instead you have preachers standing in the pulpits on Sunday railing against The Da Vinci Code to a congregation unwilling to read the book or see the movie or in any way to actually think for themselves. That's quite sad to me.
And I ask where these preachers and protesters are when it comes to the Left Behind series? With the Left Behind series you have a collection of FICTIONAL accounts of "the Earth's last days." If people dislike the fictionalizing of Christian topics, then why do they embrace the Left Behind series? Seems some people want all opposing voices, even fictional ones, to be silenced.
And speaking of the Left Behind series, did you know that now there's a video game based on the series? Are you kidding me? A video game with all the violence of Grand Theft Auto, but this one for Christians! Check out the trailer for this game. Seriously, people are getting upset about The Da Vinci Code but they think this whole Left Behind thing is fine? Uh, OK. Sure.
I can't wait to get my Pat Robertson action figure, which will of course have the kung-fu grip and will come with assorted weaponry that will allow him to assassinate world leaders--or anyone who disagrees with him. And this little action hero will, of course, be capable of holding up 2,000 pounds!
Best describes my thoughts on this.
But in short: it's not that it is a work of fiction, it's that the novel says (as well as its author, Dan Brown) that the stuff in it is true and unless folks research the real facts, they may be mislead into actually believing the stuff Brown wrote in the story.
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