Maybe I'm Amazed

Rules for Living by Tim W. Jackson (and why some people are just plain idiots)

Location: Radford, Virginia, United States

I'm a guy, just a regular guy, who likes to observe life and occasionally write about those observations. I live in southwest Virginia where I work, live, and try to be a decent citizen.

Friday, June 2

WWJK: Who Would Jesus Kill?

OK, so I stole the above title. It was just too good not to use.

A loyal and observant reader of this blog sent me the following link as a companion piece to the entry below. The story found at the link provides more details about the Left Behind video game and who might be affiliated with it. Please take a few minutes to peruse it if you get a chance! It might just, um, blow you away!

And to you other loyal readers, feel free to send in links any time that might help explain a topic you see on this site!


Blogger Blake Fought said...

Wow. This one has me seriously concerned, especially as a fan of the book series.

1:23 AM  

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