Who Is Supporting the Troops?

We've heard many times over the past four years the plea from George W. Bush to support the troops. Well, I have to ask, who is supporting them and who isn't?
With Memorial Day just recently passed, certainly it was a time to remember those who have died in this war and others. It it's particularly startling to learn that our government has become too cheap to give fallen soldiers individual memorial services. A report out of Washington State says that "So many Fort Lewis soldiers are being killed in Iraq the Army base will no longer hold individual memorial services."
As a friend of mine aptly said about this sad situation: "The fact that these soldiers don't even get their own memorial service brings home the idea that these boys and girls are just a highly-disposable commodity to the war machine of the Bush administration."
But it's not just dead soldiers that Bush and our government doesn't support. How is keeping them over in Iraq to face tough circumstances and possible death supporting them? One soldier asks why they are in Iraq in this letter. The soldier asks, "Why must we waste the lives of good men on a country that does not give a damn about itself?" And he states, "Most of my friends here share my views, but do not have the courage to say anything."
Why don't they have the courage, I wonder? Could it be that they are afraid of penalties from their own government if they express their true feelings? I'm sure our military wouldn't penalize someone who has served admirably in the military just for speaking out against this insane war. Um, right?
Nope. KATC reports that "an Iraq war veteran is scheduled to appear before a military panel Monday for wearing his uniform during an anti-war protest. ... The military panel will decide whether to change his discharge status from 'honorable' to 'other than honorable.'"
And we all know how well our government supports its wounded soldiers. The Walter Reed scandal illustrated that point. As The Washington Post reported, "Signs of neglect are everywhere: mouse droppings, belly-up cockroaches, stained carpets, cheap mattresses." Doesn't sound like support to me.
Here's the thing, Mr. Bush. In your typical spoiled-rich-kid manner, you smugly condemn those of us who want to bring the troops home. We're cut-and-runners, you say with a smirk. What are we running from? There was no threat to begin with. The only thing we're running from is your insanity for putting our troops in harm's way for no reason. You say we don't support the troops. Just because we prefer our soldiers to be alive and well means we don't support them? No sir, I think it is YOU and your administration that does not, has not, and apparently WILL NOT support our troops.
I met a new neighbor on Memorial Day. The guy was in the first Iraq War. He said he "was shot at and shot some people." Brave guy. He had medals on the wall in his basement. I have nothing but respect for him. He served for people like me and YOU, Mr. Bush, who have never set foot on foreign soil in a military uniform. You went AWOL for God's sake and haven't done anything to show your support for our men and women in uniform.
But I now value the opportunity to have this guy down the street as a neighbor. I value human life. I prefer to not sacrifice people to achieve some unknown and bizarre personal agenda. I support our troops.
What in your actions (not words!), Mr. Bush, indicates that YOU support our troops?
Wow--you're channeling Keith Olbermann in that last bit. Love it.
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