Make Love, Not War

Another observant "Maybe I'm Amazed" reader recently sent me this story about the American military's plan to develop a gay bomb. That's right, a bomb that, when dropped on an enemy army, turns their entire, um, unit, gay. Seriously, I am not making this up. It even has a wikipedia entry.
Of course this brings up many questions. Not the obvious, such as why would our military waste money on something so ludicrous, but questions such as, "What if you're already gay? Does the bomb make you even more gay? Or does it have a weird reverse effect and make you straight?" Hmmm. And then, does it work on men AND women? Or would other armies be able to detect our gay bomb with their gaydar? Wow. Mind-boggling, isn't it?
I'm just happy to see that the industrial military complex is on its toes. Always thinking! Gay bomb. Oh that's rich.
Of COURSE it was thought up by geniuses in Ohio. Sometimes I'm ashamed to be from there ;o)
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