Maybe I'm Amazed

Rules for Living by Tim W. Jackson (and why some people are just plain idiots)

Location: Radford, Virginia, United States

I'm a guy, just a regular guy, who likes to observe life and occasionally write about those observations. I live in southwest Virginia where I work, live, and try to be a decent citizen.

Monday, August 28

A Lesson in Saving

We've all done it: written an e-mail or created some sort of document and then lost it when an application quit or the computer crashed. One reason I have not blogged in a while is just such a reason.

Last week I wrote what I, of course, thought was a fabulous blog entry about the events that had taken place a week ago today. It was the first day of school here at RU and at Virginia Tech, but in the area near Tech an escaped inmate was supposedly on the loose. And not just any escaped inmate, this guy had allegedly killed a hospital security guard and a law enforcement officer and had injured another officer. My blog entry, long and filled with links, discussed the situation and its coverage in the media in detail. Then as I was adding a photo, my Web browser unexpectedly quit and I lost the entry, the Web pages I was using, everything. A crushing blow. Why didn't I save a draft? Aaaargh! So now all I can say about that story is for more information, read about the day's events here.

But in other news, Democratic Underground features Virginia Sen. George Allen as its top Conservative Idiot of the Week for his apology attempt after the "macaca" debacle. You can read about Allen here and check out the week's other idiots here.


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